If you can define it, you can have it
The solution to handling your subconscious mind
You have two minds, the Subconscious and Conscious
The conscious mind is your nervous system, and how you perceive your environment. The conscious mind is connected to your personal mind, your spirit and creative mind, where your dreams and desires reside.
The Conscious mind is the thinking mind that has awareness.
Then you have a subconscious mind.
The function of the subconscious mind is programming. This is where programs come in and stay.
For example, once we learn to walk we don't have to think about it anymore, it becomes habit and we carry on living. Our habits are put into our subconscious mind.
Our subconscious mind, which is formed in utero up to the age of 7, is influenced by our upbringing, society, our environment, and social conditioning which all play a significant role in shaping our behaviours, health and overall well-being.
This is where negative programming, precepts beliefs and thoughts are stored like: I'm not good enough, Life is so hard, What's wrong with me, You can’t trust people….. there are thousands of these negative thoughts in our subconscious mind.
In the conscious mind there are ideas like: I am a good person, Life is great, I deserve love and happiness, I am safe, I am healthy… all of these positive statements, you could say are essentially affirmations, Which is great to have and be aware of.
Our cells are also influenced by our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. And the beliefs we have about ourselves and our health everyday can alter our genetic expression and impact out health outcomes by affecting the environment in which our cells function.
Our conscious mind is our thinking mind it's where we are aware of what we're doing when we're having thoughts and it controls about 10% of our daily activity, our subconscious mind is our autopilot, and this is when we are in our habits, when we are doing things we are unaware of and this operates about 90% of our daily activity. Our subconscious mind is full of programs, these programs are the software for our mind. And sadly most of what is programmed into us is not what we want and was done without our awareness or choice.
So what happens when you have 10% of your mind affirming good and positive thoughts,
while 90% of your mind is convinced that the bad ideas, the bad thoughts, are absolutely FACT?
You have a battle that you can’t win.
Processing is not about changing the negative thoughts into positive ones.
It is not about replacing positive thoughts and putting them into your subconscious.
It is not about passing over negative ideas so that all you see are the positive ones.
Spiritual Processing works to clear out the negative ideas, programs, precepts and thoughts, removing them. It’s like hitting the delete key, and what you have left is integrity and wholeness.
The war between you and you is gone.
Instead of having this conflict of positive thoughts fighting against negative ones, there is NO CONFLICT.
Your subconscious mind and your conscious mind are on the same page. And that is power!!
It is very difficult to process yourself, even when you know you have mindsets you want to change.
It is difficult to get into the subconscious mind and clear it on your own,
it is possible but it does require more time
Plus, It can be hard to see a problem when you are all wrapped up inside it.
Spiritual Processing is done one on one with a person trained to apply specially researched and designed Positive Processes. This combination of a trained person, plus the client (person wanting processing) is a team greater than the subconscious. With this kind of dynamic team, you get into the subconscious and clear it.
And that is Processing. It is simple, direct, systematic and it WORKS.
SPIRITUAL BEING: You, the life force.
PROCESS: A series of actions, changes or functions that bring about an end or result.
PROCESSING: To gain an understanding or acceptance of; to come to terms with.

Want to hear more about how I can transform your life? Contact me today to schedule a session.
Fort McMurray, AB, Canada